
Serving the Community Mentorship Program

We want to see more people pursuing their dreams. We take mentoring seriously because of this. Employees are twice as likely to be engaged at work if a mentor encourages them to pursue their dreams and goals. No matter what phase you are in, our growing community of empowering professionals is just what you need. Together we mentor, support and equip you to live the life you truly dream of.

The program focuses on new and mid-career professionals seeking to advance in their career and seasoned industry professionals looking to help them. By the end of the program, you will have learned about what great leadership is and be well-positioned to take your career to the next level.

Through engagement, stronger relationships, and discovering purpose through helping others, both groups experience an improvement in their overall well-being.

Find Community

Join us for networking & fellowship. Connect with industry professional pursuing their dreams.

Build Confidence

Start gaining clarity and confidence for a purpose driven life.

Start a Business

Get connected to resources & funding to help you develop and launch your next side hustle.

Applications are currently closed

What you can expect

Mentors will have the chance to talk about their professional experiences, network with up-and-coming industry professionals, and collaborate on developing the mentee's career.

Mentees will learn from seasoned industry experts how to begin or advance in their careers, identify areas for development, and lay out a plan to reach future objectives.


How it works

  • Fill our the STC Interest form
  • The program is open to recent college graduates, young professionals, and mid-career professionals
  • A STC board members will review applications and schedule interviews
  • Pairing will be determined based on industry or business goals
  • Participants will meet monthly during a 6-month period
  • An evaluation of the program should be submitted at completion
  • Program is limited to 20 pairs
  • Applications are currently closed


Requirements for mentors

  • Commit to participating in the mentor/mentee relationship for 6-months
  • Commit to meeting with your mentee at least once a month
  • Commit to provide discussion topics related to the goals of your mentee
  • Keep all communications within your mentee relationship confidential
  • Communicate with mentorship program chair monthly
  • Communicate any issues arise in your mentor/mentee relationship
  • You must be employed and hold a leadership role in your current company


Requirements for mentees

  • Commit to participating in the mentor/mentee relationship for 6-months
  • Schedule all meetings and meet with your mentor at least once a month
  • Develop short- and long-term goals to provide content for your sessions
  • Participate in discussion topics and pre-reads as suggested by mentor
  • Utilize the mentoring program as an opportunity to learn from a industry professional on career direction and skill building
  • Share actions taken to develop career
  • Keep all communications within your mentor/mentee relationship confidential
  • Communicate with mentorship program chair monthly
  • Communicate any issues arise in your mentor/mentee relationship


Applications are currently closed

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